【Listed on Gate.io】MONGzUNIVERSE【MUC Coin】


HashLink Co., Ltd., the operator of MONGzUNIVERSE, has announced the listing of the PFP utility coin ‘MUC’ on the cryptocurrency exchange Gate.io!

MUC to be listed on Gate.io, available on P2E horse racing game Universal Stallion

The utility coin ‘MUC’, which can be used within the blockchain game ‘Unista’ operated by subsidiary HashLink, is set to be listed on Gate.io, one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges! Further expansion of the ‘MongzUniverse’ economy | Comseed Co., Ltd.

Our subsidiary, HashLink Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Li Xuan Yu; hereinafter referred to as HashLink),

The listing of this ‘MUC’ coin marks the first listing of a PFP (abbreviation for Profile Picture NFT for SNS profile icons) in Japan, making it a significant milestone.

The MUC listed this time will also serve as a utility coin that can be used in the horse racing P2E game ‘UNIVERSAL STALLION’ scheduled for release later this year as a blockchain game.

With this listing on Gate.io, we can expect even greater awareness for ‘Unista’, where MUC can be utilized within the game 😊


We will provide easy-to-understand explanations of the project’s progress and latest information in this article 🌟

Key points of interest include,

✅What does it mean for the utility token of Japan’s largest NFT project to be listed?

✅How can one participate?

✅When will it be listed?

✅Which exchange will it be listed on?

✅How can one acquire it?

✅What are the benefits of holding it?

This article will address such questions.

Also, keep an eye out for the horse racing P2E blockchain game “Unista🏇,” which is set to be released later this year. It’s worth paying attention to 🎮✨

Since I, gajuwww, am the official supporter of MONGzUNIVERSE operated by HashLink Co., Ltd., I have provided the most detailed and easy-to-understand explanation of the project. If you’re interested, please check it out.

✍️What you'll learn from reading this article
✅Understanding the MONGz UNIVERSE project
✅Understanding the purpose, use cases, future potential, and listing date of "MUC (Multi Universe Central Token)"
✅Overview of the blockchain game "Unista🏇," based on real horse racing, scheduled for launch in 2024
✅Understanding the campaign commemorating the listing of MUC coin
✅Overview of the "PEACHz.MOMO" 2nd SALE

What is the MONGz UNIVERSE (MONGz Universe) project?

Floor price of “Mongz🐒”
Floor price of "Mongz": 0.088 ETH (about 💲290)
※The floor price refers to the lowest price among the NFTs of the project listed on marketplaces such as OpenSea. The price fluctuates over time.
Contents of MONGz UNIVERSE (MONGz Universe)
1st Collection 『Mongz🐒』7,777 bodiesNFT with monkeys as motif
※Genesis (NFT that forms the core of the project)
2nd Collection『PEACHz.MOMO🍑』10,000 bodiesFT of peach fairies
※Bringing a boost effect to rewards obtained by combining with Mongz, the Genesis (staking of NFT).
※2nd SALE scheduled
→Scheduled to be held within a few days after the listing of MUC
Play-to-Earn horse racing gameUNIVERSAL STALLION
Horse NFT🏇』
6,000 bodiesGameFi
A blockchain game themed on real horse racing
※Scheduled for release in 2024!
Adopts elements of regular social games + GameFi system, allowing anyone to enjoy for free
Crystals obtained through races and horse trading can be exchanged for cryptocurrencies (earn rewards while playing the game)
Earned rewards can ultimately be converted into Japanese yen or dollars
TokenMUC(Multi Universe Central)Total issuance
1,000,000,000 MUC
On April 19, 2024 (Friday) at 19:00 Japan time, listing on the cryptocurrency exchange Gate.io has been decided
※Can be used in the MONGz UNIVERSE economy (such as Unista and MOMO sales)
Can ultimately be converted into Japanese yen or dollars
History and key points of “MONGz UNIVERSE”
✅Launched in June 2022 under the project name Tokyo Mongz Hills Club (TMHC)
✅"Tokyo Mongz Hills Club" achieved a total minting amount of 200 million yen (total NFT sales amount of 200 million yen) by selling NFTs called "Mongz," which are monkeys-themed, making it the largest minting project in Japan's domestic marketplace as a PFP project.
✅As the second NFT, sold NFTs themed on peach fairies called "PEACHz.MOMO"
✅Scheduled to release "UNIVERSAL STALLION (Unista)" a Play-to-Earn horse racing game themed on real horse racing【Scheduled for 2024】
※Unista is a horse racing blockchain game where you can earn rewards (game currency and items) by breeding, training, and racing, and winning races.
✅The token "MUC (Multi Universe Central Token)" that can be used in the above Unista is scheduled to be listed on Gate.io on April 19 (Friday)‼️

The NFT project “Tokyo Mongz Hills Club” is conducting various initiatives centered around the construction of the MONGz UNIVERSE economic sphere, as described above, and is considering expanding the economic sphere further by deploying various contents in the future.

If you want to know more details about the project’s history and activities, please refer to the following articles 🌟

【TMHC一周年‼️】MONGz UNIVERSE(モンズユニバース)の最新情報について解説【国内最大級NFTプロジェクト】
TMHC(Tokyo Mongz Hills Culb)が、プロジェクトの第一弾NFT「Mongz🐒」のセールから一周年を迎えました。一周年記念イベントやホルダー全員へのプレゼントもあったりするのでお見逃しのないよう、チェ...
【MONGz UNIVERSE最新情報】モンズ(ジェネシス)保有のメリット
TMHC(東京モンズヒルズクラブ)が、今後プロジェクトをさらに拡張していくことを目的に、TMHC改め、『MONGz UNIVERSE(モンズユニバース)』に生まれ変わったみたい!!リアル競馬をモチ...

“MUC” Coin to be Listed on Gate.io Cryptocurrency Exchange‼️

Listing Date: April 19, 2024 (Friday) 10:00 UTC
⇨ Listed on the Gate.io Cryptocurrency Exchange

※ Gate.io is one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges established in 2013. It handles over 1,700 cryptocurrencies, serving more than 14 million users worldwide, with a daily trading volume reaching approximately $730 million, making it one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.
MUC to be listed on Gate.io, available on P2E horse racing game Universal Stallion

I need to open a “Gate.io” account right away (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾✨

About “MUC (Multi Universe Central Token)”

White Paper

出所:MUC White paper

Overview of MUC (Multi Universe Central Token)
Token NameMulti Universe Central (Multi Universe Central Token)
Token TickerMUC
Total Supply1,000,000,000 MUC
Token standardERC-20
MUC Team Q1 2024 Roundup
Hi, this is MUC team! How have you been? I hope you’re all doing great! 😘 We figured that we want to share with all of you what activities…

TMHC aims to build an economic ecosystem starting with the NFT “Mongz” sold at the beginning of the project, aiming to establish an economic ecosystem with it as the genesis.

This economic ecosystem is collectively referred to as the “Mongz Universe.”


we plan to expand and build the economic ecosystem by collaborating with blockchain games such as Unista.

To achieve this, we aim to build the economic ecosystem by issuing tokens as cryptocurrencies and circulating them between projects.

Therefore, the token issued (listed) by the project this time is “MUC (Multi Universe Central Token).”

It has been decided to be listed on the Gate.io cryptocurrency exchange on April 19, 2024 (Friday) at 10:00 UTC.

Not only listing on Gate.io, but it is also considering listing on two more exchanges within this year 🌟

As it is considering listing on Tier 1 exchanges, there seems to be room for expectations as the next step.

※ Tier 1 exchanges refer to centralized exchanges (CEX) with high trading volume and reliability.

Although the price will be left to the market, attention is also focused on at what price it will be listed per “1 MUC”!!

Details will be available in the AMA held on April 1, 2024 🌟

Mongz Universe AMA 4/1
出所:Tokyo Mongz Hills Club Official【Mongz Universe AMA 4/1】

How to get MUC before listing

In the Mongz Universe, you can receive “MZC” tokens by staking “MONGz🐒” and “MOMO🍑”.

Here’s what it looks like when I’m actually staking 🌟

The reward you can get through this staking is the “MZC” token, but you can exchange “MZC” for the “MUC (Multi Universe Central Token),” which is scheduled to be listed in the future, at a 1:1 ratio.

By staking, you can get the “MUC” token before it is listed.

And after listing, you will eventually be able to exchange it for legal tender such as Japanese yen or dollars.

Of course, you can also use it in the “Mongz Universe economy,” including future releases such as Unista🐎.


by combining “Mongz (Mongz)🐒” and performing “team staking,” the merit of being able to boost the staking reward up to 132MZC per day is significant.

Furthermore, there is currently a listing commemorative campaign underway.

By combining the NFTs “MONGZ🐒” and “MOMO🍑,” the genesis of this project, and performing team staking, you can receive rewards with a 20% increase from the usual staking rewards.

Details can be confirmed on the official Twitter or official Discord.

\\ Check out the latest information on MONGz UNIVERSE on Discord 🐒✨ //

Discordサーバー「【公式】Mongz Universe」に参加しよう!
Discordで【公式】Mongz Universeコミュニティをチェック! 41704人のメンバーと交流し、無料の音声・テキストチャットを楽しみましょう。

A blockchain game “Unista🏇” based on real horse racing【Scheduled to be launched in 2024】

UNIVERSAL STALLION(ユニスタ)プロモーションムービー
Developer of Unista and the flow up to now
The developer is "HashLink Co., Ltd.," a subsidiary of COMSEED Co., Ltd.
It is a company that handles blockchain-related businesses such as NFTs and GameFi, and it has a track record of launching the largest luxury NFT project in Japan in 2022, raising a total of 200 million yen (fundraising).
It is reported in the IR information of COMSEED as follows.
"In the subsidiary HashLink, the Multi Universe project "Mongz Universe" has officially started, and a new title "UNIVERSAL STALLION" is under development, marking the full-scale entry into the GameFi business."
Actually, it is described on P10 of the FY2023 year-end supplementary explanation materials, so if you are interested, please take a look.

As a step to expand the "Mongz Universe" economic zone, a blockchain game "Unista🏇" has been born.

In Unista, there is also the happy benefit of being able to receive benefits as a holder by owning the aforementioned monkey NFT "Mongz🐒".

This BCG game "Unista🏇" is scheduled to be released in 2024.
The sale of "Horse NFT" used in the game, which was held from June to July 2023, was also successful.
Surprisingly, in the first pre-sale, the legendary rare (LR) ranked racehorse "Special Week" was traded at a price of over 120 times the price, 9800MATIC 😳

By the way, Unista inherited the BCG "Nexus Derby" motif from HashLink Co., Ltd. (business transfer). As a result, it has been reborn as a new title, "UNIVERSAL STALLION," commonly known as Unista.

Good news for game lovers 😆
What's good about blockchain games (BCG) is that you can earn rewards while playing games.

Furthermore, members of the horse owner club (UNISTA OWNERS CLUB) can automatically monetize a portion of the monthly game revenue and receive exclusive benefits, making it even more attractive.

While in the past, games could require payment as a charge to enjoy the game, there has never been a game that could ultimately receive rewards convertible to Japanese yen or dollars.

BCG differs decisively from previous games in that it allows rewards that can ultimately be converted to Japanese yen or dollars.

Of course, the main thing is to "enjoy the game."
The bonus of being able to "earn" as a sub comes with it.
Of course, not everyone can earn.
There are losers because there are winners.
If you are a horse racing enthusiast who has enjoyed various games and paid for them so far!
With your enthusiasm for the game, why not try BCG, where you can enjoy the game and earn rewards at the same time, it might turn out to be amazing.

Companies that cannot hide or escape have entered the GameFi business as a new business.

With such a background, influencers such as Mr. Jai and Ms. Perolina have collaborated as official partners to expand the Mongz Universe.

If you want to know more about “Unista🏇” , check out the following article and Youtube.👍✨

MUC to be listed on Gate.io, available on P2E horse racing game Universal Stallion
競馬好きには刺激が少々強すぎるゲームかもしれません、面白すぎて【UNIVERSAL STALLION(ユニスタ)】【NFTゲーム】

Campaign to Commemorate MUC Token Listing

Gate.io announced the implementation of a campaign to commemorate the listing of the MUC token.
→ To commemorate this listing, Gate.io announced that it will conduct a startup event to grant "MUC" tokens to users who deposit tokens worth 10 USDT or more.
※ The campaign period is from April 17th, 15:00 to April 19th, 15:00. For details, check the Gate.io website (https://www.gate.io) or the MUC official website (https://multiuniversecentral.io/) for future announcements.

MZC Supply Increase with Team Staking
→ As part of the listing commemoration campaign,
by combining the NFTs "MONGZ🐒" and "MOMO🍑" from our project's genesis and conducting team staking, it is possible to receive rewards augmented by 20% compared to normal staking rewards.

Mongz Lotto
→ Write your favorite number between 1 and 599 in the official Discord campaign channel during the specified period, and those who successfully hit the winning number will receive 🪙200 MUC as a gift🎁

Regarding the PEACHz.MOMO 2nd SALE

✅Sale Date: Scheduled to be held within a few days after the MUC listing (to be announced later)
✅ Number of Sales: 150 sets (24-body packs)
※ Packs containing 24 MOMOs for sale
✅ Sales Price: 100,000 yen or 100,000 yen equivalent in MUC or MATIC
※ Purchase with a credit card is possible

AL (Allow List:Advance Purchase Rights) will be distributed to Mongz holders.

The sale date will be announced separately.🌟


→ Launched in June 2022 under the project name Tokyo Mongz Hills Club (TMHC).
TMHC aims to build an economic zone using the NFT "Mongz" sold at the beginning of the project as its genesis and collectively refers to that economic zone as "Mongz Universe". Specifically, it plans to expand and build the economic zone by collaborating with blockchain games like Yunista.
For this purpose, tokens are issued as cryptocurrencies and circulated between projects to build the economic zone.
✅ What is "MUC (Multi Universe Central Token)"?
→ A token (cryptocurrency) used and circulated within the Mongz Universe economic zone.
Specifically, it plans to expand and build the economic zone by collaborating with blockchain games like Yunista.
Therefore, tokens are issued as cryptocurrencies and circulated between projects to build the economic zone.
Listed on Gate.io on April 19, 2024 (Friday) at 19:00 Japan time. After listing, it can be exchanged for fiat currencies such as Japanese yen or dollars.
※ This is the first PFP (Profile Picture) in Japan and a memorable listing.
※ In addition to listing on Gate.io, it is also considering listing on two more exchanges later this year.
※ Other games besides "Unista🏇” are also scheduled for release in the future, and as the number of games (GameFi) increases, the necessity and value of "MUC" will also increase.
✅ Blockchain Game "Unista🏇” Inspired by Real Horse Racing [Scheduled for Release in 2024‼️]
→ As a step towards expanding the "Mongz Universe" economic zone, the blockchain game "Unista🏇” was born.
"Unista🏇” is scheduled for release in 2024, and pre-registration has been open since November 14, 2023 (※ Don't forget to pre-register, as you'll receive a '10 Consecutive Gacha Ticket' that can be used in the game👍).
Since it's a blockchain game, it's possible to earn rewards by playing the game and winning races.
Furthermore, members of the Horse Owners Club (UNISTA OWNERS CLUB) receive a portion of the monthly game revenue as dividends, and they can also enjoy exclusive membership benefits.
It will revolutionize all horse racing games of the past and bring a new era of ownership experience to you! A super authentic horse racing game featuring actual famous horses is finally here!
✅ About PEACHz.MOMO 2nd SALE
→ Scheduled to be held within a few days after the MUC listing (to be announced later)

It can be seen that there is considerable attention being paid, with Mongz NFT🐒 being swept up after the announcement of the MUC listing✨

From April to June, there will be major announcements and movements every month, so we look forward to the future developments even more ☺️

\\ Check out the latest information on MONGz UNIVERSE on Discord 🐒✨ //

Join the 【公式】Mongz Universe Discord Server!
Check out the 【公式】Mongz Universe community on Discord - hang out with 43925 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

\\ Come and visit the Yunista Discord too 🏇//

Discordサーバー「Universal Stallion」に参加しよう!
DiscordでUniversal Stallionコミュニティをチェック! 2519人のメンバーと交流し、無料の音声・テキストチャットを楽しみましょう。

\\ Purchase “Mongz🐒” NFTs here (OpenSea) ✨ //


\\ Here is the “MONGz UNIVERSE” official website ↓🐒✨ //

This is Mongs Universe. We are at the Top of the NFT Project in Japan. Would you like to join us on our journey that begins with the mysterious story based on M...

